Empire Earth I (One-Link) Empire Earth, also known as EE, is a real-time strategy computer game developed by Stainless Steel Studios and released on November 23, 2001. It is the first game in the Empire Earth series. It has been described as very similar to the Age of Empires series, and received positive reviews.
The game requires players to collect resources to construct buildings, produce citizens, and conquer opposing civilizations. Empire Earth spans 500,000 years of world history, which is divided into 14 epochs, beginning with the prehistoric age, and ending with the nano age.
1. Prehistoric Age
2. Stone Age
3. Copper Age
4. Bronze Age
5. Dark Age
6. Middle Age
7. Renaissance
8. Imperial Age
9. Industrial Age
10. Atomic - WW1 (World War 1)
11. Atomic - WW2 (World War 2)
12. Atomic - Modern
13. Digital Age
14. Nano Age
Hardware Requirements System: PII 333 or equivalent
Video Memory: 4 MB VRAM
Hard Drive Space: 450 MB
Mouse: Yes
Sound Board: Yes
DirectX: DirectX v8.0
Recommended System Requirements System: PIII 600 or equivalent
Video Memory: 32 MB VRAM
Hard Drive Space: 450 MB
Works on Windows 7 (32bit/64bit)! Special thanks to andy2004 for providing this helpful list! andy2004 wrote: |
Ok, heres my list for the epochs. filedownloads are for the html code. so you can modify it and add more info. I'm sure there are more animals.
Code: | http://rapidshare.com/#!download|419tg|439243552|Epoch.rar|0 http://www.megaupload.com/?d=45V5HNYC http://depositfiles.com/en/files/7yr9otl8i http://hotfile.com/dl/91961724/c6efa39/Epoch.rar.html http://www.zshare.net/download/84361713408dae6d/ http://uploading.com/files/f42a8amb/Epoch.rar/
and after typing the above i thougt i should have produced a screenshot, lol preview.
Cheats/Codes Code: |
To get the following codes to work, press ENTER during gameplay, enter the cheat at the prompt, then press ENTER again. These codes only work on Random Map mode: all your base are belong to us: Get 100,000 of every resource atm: Get more gold ahhcool: Lose the current game (can't you do that on your own?) asus drivers: Get full map boston rent: Have no gold creatine: Get 1000 more iron display cheat: Show the codes headshot: Remove objects from map my name is methos: Get full map and all resources somebody set us up the bomb: Win the current game the big dig: Have no resources uh, smoke?: Have no wood you said wood: Get 1000 wood display cheat - Displays all cheats available. rock&roll - 1000 rock boston food sucks - 1000 food ahhhcool - lose game slimfast - no food girlyman - no iron mine your own business - no rock bam - remove fog columbus - see all fish and animals i have the power - restore mana to select unit brainstorm - instant building coffee train - all structures being built are completed the quotable patella - Free upgrade to level 10 friendly skies - planes refueled in air |
Cheats/Codes don't work for multiplayer! Screenshot (game-play)
Download Code: |
http://hotfile.com/dl/57011862/a247b08/(PC_GAMES)_Empire_Earth_(Full_Game).zip.html |